As a connected country, Dutch services and the economy depend on digital systems. Continuity, supply reliability, and information security are the foundation for the vital (IT) infrastructure, as well as for how we conduct business and how government organisations communicate with each other and with citizens and businesses. Digital disruption due to the failure or disruption of these systems must be prevented.
Doing business in the cybersecurity domainrequires an understanding of the decision-making, issues, and complexity of thedigital government. BridgeHead is well-known and active in various domainswithin the government's cybersecurity landscape, from defense and vital andgeneric digital infrastructure to healthcare and the financial sector. We havein-depth knowledge of cybersecurity issues, work experience, and a broadnetwork within the government cybersecurity domain This is how we bringcompanies and governments together to work together in a sustainable way on thedigital security of the Netherlands.
We have experts on: